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You are about to download the first release of Galicaster, a software aimed to help you recording multistream videos on an easy way.

This very first version has many functionalities we hope could be useful to your projects. If you take a look below you will find guides to prepare and install a fully operational Galicaster unit and some frequent questions, the documentation will be improved progressively.

Please follow the instructions carefully and don't be afraid to ask and suggest.

| !hardware_r.jpg|align=center,border=0!\\ [Hardware recommendations|Hardware recommendations] | !install_r.jpg|align=center,border=0!\\
[Software installation|Software installation] |
| !cookbook_r.png|align=center,border=0!\\ [Cookbook|Galicaster:Cookbook] | !faq_r.jpg|align=center,border=0!\\
[F.A.Q.|Galicaster:FAQ] |



h5. Download Galicaster 1.0.rc1

{center} By downloading, I agree to the [non-commercial license|].


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