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Galicaster is based on Open Source technologies.

The recommended OS for this release is Ubuntu 10.10
The installation process consists of five steps: installing dependencies, checking configuration, downloading software, configuring and running.

h6. 1.\- Install dependences.

Galicaster requires the following software to be installed:

* Gstreamer
* python-setuptools and pip
* iCalendar
* pyCurl
* Capture card configuration tools

$ sudo apt-get install \
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-alsa gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-plugins-good \
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools
$ sudo pip install icalendar
$ sudo apt-get install python-pycurl
$ sudo apt-get install v4l-conf ivtv-utils guvcview

In ubuntu 11.04 and above is recommended installing v4l-utils instead of ivtv-utils.

h6. 2.\- Check configuration.

Launch the following commands from a shell to verify that all dependencies are installed:

$ python --version
Python 2.6.6

$ python -c "import pygtk; pygtk.require('2.0')"
$ python -c "import pygst; pygst.require('0.10')"
$ python -c "import pycurl"
$ python -c "import icalendar"

$ gst-launch-0.10 videotestsrc num-buffers=25 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=800,height=600,framerate=24/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink
$ gst-launch-0.10 videotestsrc num-buffers=25 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=800,height=600,framerate=24/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! x264enc pass=5 quantizer=22 speed-preset=4 profile=1 ! queue ! avimux ! filesink location=out.avi
$ file out.avi
out.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 800 x 600, ~24 fps, video: H.264 X.264 or H.264
$ rm out.avi

h6. 3.\- Download software

Download the software from [this site|].

Uncompress it using tar:

$ tar xzf galicaster-1.0.0-rc.tgz
$ cd galicaster-1.0.0-rc


h6. 4.\- Configure Galicaster

Galicaster configuration is in the file {{conf.ini}}.

The simplest way to get started with Galicaster is dowloading any of the pre-existing conf.ini files for any of the reference configurations proposed:
* [Video Capture Card configuration|Galicaster:Hardware#videocapturecard] \- [conf.ini|]
* [WebCam USB configuraion|Galicaster:Hardware#webcamusb] \- [conf.ini|]

The values are in the file {{conf.ini}}:


* {{basic}}
** {{repository}}: path to the working folder.
** {{admin}}: enables admin mode (True\|False)
** Example:
repository = /mnt/videos/Repository
admin = True

* {{screen}}
** {{right}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the right screen (None to deactivate).
** {{left}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the left screen (None to deactivate).
** {{cursor}}: Shows or hides the cursor. {color:red}Util en la interfaz tactil de GClass{color} (True\|False)
** Example:
right = Epiphan
left = Hauppagge
cursor = True

* {{ingest}}
** The data to connect Galicaster to an Opencast-Matterhorn server.
** Example:
active = True
default = True
username = matterhorn_system_account
host =
password = CHANGE_ME
workflow = full

* {{trackN}}
** {color:red}Entrada por cada dispositivo utilizado en el capturador. Pueden ser de diferentes tipos en funcion del valor de{color} {color:red}{{{}device{}}}{color}{color:red}: hauppauge, pulse, v4l2, vga2usb y mjpeg{color}:
*** *hauppauge*: Audio and Video device.
**** Values in hauppauge devices:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: hauppage
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
***** {{location}}: {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{loc2}}: {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{loc3}}: {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
**** Example:
name = Hauppagge
loc2 = /dev/hauprevideo
loc3 = /dev/haupreaudio
location = /dev/haucamera
file = CAMERA.mpg
device = hauppage
flavor = presenter
active = False
*** *pulse*: Audio device.
**** Values in audio (pulse) devices:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: pulse
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
***** {{location}}: {color:red}Explicar y decir que es default{color}\*****\* to list PulseAudio devices run:
$ pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5
and use "Name:" as the {{location}} field.
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
***** {{vumeter}}: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. (True\|False) Only one device should be activated.
***** {{amplification}}: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used.
**** Example:
name = AudioSource
vumeter = Active
location = default
file = sound.mp3
device = pulse
flavor = presenter
active = False
amplification = 2.0
*** *mjpeg*: Video device
**** Values in mjpeg devices:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: v4l2
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
***** {{caps}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-right}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-left}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-top}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-bottom}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
**** Example:
name = Webcam
location = /dev/webcam
file = CAMERA.avi
device = mjpeg
flavor = presenter
active = False
caps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720
videocrop-left = 160
videocrop-right = 160
*** *vga2usb*: Video device**** Values in vga2usb devices:***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.***** {{device}}: Device type: v4l2***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)***** {{drivertype}} {color:red}Explicar pero es v4l para driver viejo y v4l2 para driver nuevo{color}**** Example:
{code:none}[track4]name = Webcamlocation = /dev/webcamfile = CAMERA.avidevice = mjpegflavor = presenteractive = Falsecaps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720videocrop-left = 160videocrop-right = 160{code}

h6. 5.\- Running

Galicaster Class is launched with the command:

$ ./classexec

In the [F.A.Q.|Galicaster:FAQ] section you can see some common questions about Galicaster.