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h5. What is AccessGrid ?
Access Grid® (AG) is an advanced, open source, videoconference system. AG is an ensemble of resources including multimedia large-format displays, presentation and interactive environments, and interfaces to Grid middleware and to visualization environments. These resources are used to support group-to-group interactions across the Grid.
More info on [AccessGrid.org|http://www.accessgrid.org/]
h5. Galicaster: Recording for AccessGrid rooms
Galicaster can be succesfuly used as a multistream recording solution for AccessGrid nodes, especially when used for teaching and learning.
*Key features:*
* Recording may be triggered automatically or manually.
* AG operators are able to check sound level and quality in real time.
* AG operators are able to check video and VGA streams quality in real time.
* Finished recordings can be browsed, played, deleted or downloaded from Galicaster as a single "zip" file (MH-Media package format)
* Recordings can be ingested directly to an OC-Matterhorn core for publishing.
h5. Galicaster Recording on an AccessGrid v3.2 node
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h5. What is AccessGrid ?
Access Grid® (AG) is an advanced, open source, videoconference system. AG is an ensemble of resources including multimedia large-format displays, presentation and interactive environments, and interfaces to Grid middleware and to visualization environments. These resources are used to support group-to-group interactions across the Grid.
More info on [AccessGrid.org|http://www.accessgrid.org/]
h5. Galicaster: Recording for AccessGrid rooms
Galicaster can be succesfuly used as a multistream recording solution for AccessGrid nodes, especially when used for teaching and learning.
*Key features:*
* Recording may be triggered automatically or manually.
* AG operators are able to check sound level and quality in real time.
* AG operators are able to check video and VGA streams quality in real time.
* Finished recordings can be browsed, played, deleted or downloaded from Galicaster as a single "zip" file (MH-Media package format)
* Recordings can be ingested directly to an OC-Matterhorn core for publishing.
h5. Galicaster Recording on an AccessGrid v3.2 node
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