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*Strengths :*

Scalability: Matterhorn-GClass worker-capture

Adaptation: GClass with in-room mics and fixed tv

Mobility: GMobile

Flexibility: Manual recording

Saving resources: No edition, automatic scheduling and publishing

"Speed" : Lectures published on 24 hours top

Quality: HD video, direct VGA, microphone

Price: No licenses paid. Open source

Experience: X years of experience recording classes, recording conferences, videoconference, multimedia edition, realization

Support: Long term projects (Python, GStreamer, GTK)


Still on an early stage of development.

Basic Audio monitoring

Not compatible with Windows yet

Matterhorn issues

\---------------------------------\--\- Some slogans --\-------------------------------\-

Education anywhere, anytime

Don't worry, just pick up the microphone\!

Good can be easy, Galicaster