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[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Examples] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Meeting Notes]
{tip:icon=false}Teams can use Confluence to collaborate internally and share information with the rest of the organization. Here's an example of how a sales team uses Confluence.
* *Click into each one of the Quick Links below* to see how a sales team might use Confluence. (make sure to look at _Sales Reports_)
* *Click on the link to Josh's name below* to see how a user can personalize his/her own page.{tip}

h3. What We're About

The Sales team is the first point of contact for prospective customers and act as the key sales resource for new customers. Our goal is to help customers make the decision to purchase our products through non-aggressive, 100% honest and customer service oriented selling.

h3. Meet the Team

| [!JoshWold_StaffPic.jpg|width=84px, height=105px!|Josh]\\ [*Josh*|Josh] \\ _Team Lead_ | !kev.jpg|width=84px, height=105px! \\ *Kevin* \\ _Confluence_ \\ _Bamboo_ \\ _Clover_ || !boots.jpg|width=84px, height=105px!\\ *Boots* \\ _Confluence_ \\ _JIRA_ | !gc.jpg|width=84px, height=105px!\\ *Giancarlo* \\
Team Lead SF \\
_JIRA_ \\ _FishEye_ \\ _Crucible_ \\ \\ |

h3. Quick Links
* [Meeting Notes]
* [Sales Reports]
* [Team Blog]
* [Sales Tools]

h3. Sales Reports
[!Goal.png|width=400px!|Sales Reports]
[{excerpt-include:Sales Reports|nopanel=true}|Sales Reports]
[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Examples] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Meeting Notes]
{warning:title=Warning: Sample Content}This is sample content that comes included with Confluence for the purposes of demonstrating how the product can be used.{warning}