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[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Meeting Notes]
{tip:icon=none}This page was created using the Meeting Notes page template{tip}

h3. Attendees
* Matt
* Josh
* Kevin
* Boots

h3. Completed last week
* Sales Collateral updates
* only 25 customer questions answered because of offsite
* Webinar revamp

h3. Working on this week
* Sales Collateral updates
* 30 customer questions answered
* Webinar revamp

h3. Sales update
* Closed 5 deals
* Expecting 2 more to close

h3. Miscellaneous
* none

[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Meeting Notes]
{warning:title=Warning: Sample Content}This is sample content that comes included with Confluence for the purposes of demonstrating how the product can be used.{warning}