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[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Example Design Team Page] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Atlassian Cotton]
{tip:icon=false}If you have a company standard colour scheme that should be used in all of your public-facing resources, record them on the wiki so that others can find them for themselves and you can focus on completing your own work. Why not try:
* *Adding* a row to one of the tables below. Click *{_}Edit{_}* in the top-right of this page. In the Rich Text Editor, right-click in the last cell of one of the tables and select *{_}Row > Insert Row After{_}*.
(i) Make sure the 'Context Menu' icon in the toolbar !confluence-3-0-rte-context-menu-button-on.png|border=1,bordercolor=gray! is active (with a tick).
* *Create* a new table when editing the page by clicking on the *{_}Insert Table{_}* icon in the Rich Text Editor's toolbar.

h1. Colour Values

|| Colour \\ || Name \\ || RGB \\ || HEX \\ || CMYK \\ ||
| !colour_atlassianblue.png!\\ | Atlassian Blue \\ | 0-51-102 \\ | \#003366 \\ | 100-67-0-23 \\ |
| !colour_mediumblue.png!\\ | Atlassian Medium Blue \\ | 51-102-153 \\ | \#336699 \\ | 89-43-0-0 \\ |
| !colour_lightblue.png!\\ | Atlassian Light Blue \\ | 102-153-204 \\ | \#6699CC \\ | 55-19-0-0 \\ |
| !colour_black.png!\\ | Atlassian Black \\ | 0-0-0 \\ | \#000000 \\ | 50-33-0-100 \\ |
| !colour_darkgrey.png!\\ | Dark Grey \\ | 102-102-102 \\ | \#666666 \\ | 0-0-0-75 |
| !colour_grey.png! \\ | Medium Grey \\ | 153-153-153 \\ | \#999999 \\ | 0-0-0-50 |
| !colour_lightgrey.png!\\ | Light Grey \\ | 204-204-204 \\ | \#CCCCCC \\ | 0-0-0-25 |
| !colour_white.png!\\ | White \\ | 255-255-255 \\ | \#FFFFFF \\ | 0-0-0-0 |

h1. Product Colour Values

|| Colour \\ || Name \\ || RGB \\ || HEX \\ || CMYK \\ ||
| !colour_crucible.png!\\ | Crucible \\ | 241-107-68 \\ | \#F16B44 \\ | 0-72-78-05 \\ |
| !colour_jira.png!\\ | JIRA | 248-157-50 \\ | \#F89D32 \\ | 0-45-90-0 \\ |
| !colour_bamboo.png!\\ | Bamboo | 255-200-71 \\ | \#FFC847 \\ | 0-22-82-0 \\ |
| !colour_confluence.png!\\ | Confluence \\ | 131-196-93 \\ | \#83C45D \\ | 0-52-84-0 \\ |
| !colour_clover.png!\\ | Clover \\ | 0-181-155 \\ | \#00B59B \\ | 76-0-50-0 |
| !colour_fisheye.png!\\ | FishEye \\ | 78-150-209 | \#4E96D1 \\ | 67-30-0-0 \\ |
| !colour_crowd.png! \\ | Crowd \\ | 112-80-141 \\ | \#906DAF \\ | 48-64-0-0 |
| !colour_studio.png!\\ | Studio \\ | 204-221-230 \\ | \#CCDDE6 \\ | 18-6-5-0 |
[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Example Design Team Page] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Atlassian Cotton]\\
{warning:title=Warning: Sample Content}This is sample content that comes included with Confluence for the purposes of demonstrating how the product can be used.