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[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Meeting Notes] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Team Blog]
{tip:icon=none}The sales team uses charts to create a sales dashboard showing their performance relative to plan. Once you become an advanced user, you can [connect the charts to your sales database using SQL|] so that you can display your sales data in real time.
* *[Edit|Using the menus] this page and change a number in one of the charts below.* Notice how the chart changes when you preview or save your change.
* *[Edit|Using the menus] this page and change a bar chart below into a line chart.* Change "_type=bar_" to "_type=line_" inside the \{chart} macro. Watch the chart type change when you preview or save your change.{tip}
{chart:type=bar|title=Monthly Sales|dataOrientation=vertical|rangeAxisLowerBound=500|width=500|xLabel=Month|yLabel=US$ in 000's|colors=,#CCCCCC|rangeaxislowerbound=500}
|| Month || Sales ||
| 1 | 665 |
| 2 | 715 |
| 3 | 750 |
| 4 | 785 |
| 5 | 820 |
| 6 | 850 |
| 7 | 890 |
| 8 | 925 |
| 9 | 960 |

|| Month || Goal ||
| 9 | 900 |
| 10 | 930 |
| 11 | 960 |
| 12 | 990 |
{chart:type=line|title=YTD Sales|dataOrientation=vertical|rangeAxisLowerBound=500|rangeAxisUpperBound=11000|xLabel=Month|yLabel=US$ in 000's|width=500|colors=#6495ED,#CCCCCC|showShapes=false}
|| Month || YTD Sales ||
| 1 | 665 |
| 2 | 1380 |
| 3 | 2133 |
| 4 | 2917 |
| 5 | 3735 |
| 6 | 4587 |
| 7 | 5475 |
| 8 | 6400 |
| 9 | 7400 |

|| Month || YTD Goal ||
| 9 | 7,100 |
| 10 | 8,100 |
| 11 | 9,000 |
| 12 | 10,000 |
{excerpt}{chart:type=pie|3D=true|title=Sales by Rep|dataOrientation=vertical|width=500|colors=#6495ED,#CCCCCC|pieSectionLabel=%0% ( $%1% )|legend=false|}
|| Pre-Sales Rep || YTD ||
|Boots |2062|
|Kevin |1694|
|Matt |1694|
|Dave |1620|
[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Meeting Notes] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Team Blog]
{warning:title=Warning: Sample Content}This is sample content that comes included with Confluence for the purposes of demonstrating how the product can be used.{warning}