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[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Have Fun] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Examples]\\
{tip:icon=none}Confluence lets you easily embed content from popular user-generated sites like Youtube, Flickr, Slideshare, Google, Twitter and many other others.
* *Add a YouTube video to this page* by clicking the 'edit' button and pasting \*{{\{widget:url={nolink}[]{nolink}\}}}\* at the bottom of the page.{tip}

h3. Managing HR Projects with Confluence

h3. Effective Delivery of HR Initiatives with Confluence
[!_Images^btn_previous.png!|Have Fun] [!_Images^btn_next.png|align=right!|Examples]\\
{warning:title=Warning: Sample Content}This is sample content that comes included with Confluence for the purposes of demonstrating how the product can be used.