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What is GaliTracker ?

GaliTracker is a smart solution to transform dual-stream MH recordings to single-stream videos for iTunesU or YouTube distribution. VGA and professor video are "glued" together side by side. The layout is optimized cropping and zooming professor video automatically. GaliTracker guarantees plenty of room for VGA video while professor is always present in a small area but big enough to read non verbal communication, keep the students engaged, etc...

GaliTracker Core is based on algothims propiety of Multimedia Technologies Research Group - University of Vigo.

How it Works ?

Professor video is recorded using a wideshot (not moving) HD camera. During the postprocesing of the recording and without realtime restriction, GaliTracker advanced algoriths tracks professor's face and Auto-Cameraman GaliTracker module crops and zooms professor video automatically.

Bussines Model

GaliTracker is currently a Teltek technology scouting project. To find a Bussines Model arroun GaliTracker is an open issue. If you could be interested in GaliTracker as a customer please contact us, we are keen to hear from you.

More Info

For more info please email to: info@teltek.es


Dynamic Side by Side (with GaliTracker)

Static Side by Side (without GaliTracker)

Professor Video + Tracking data overlay

Professor Video: Original + Processed

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