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Including links to the latest release, the release archive and the 4 steps guideline
# Step 1:Hardware
#* [Galicaster:1.3.0 Hardware recommendations]
#* [Hardware table|Compatible hardware table]
#** includes a list of devices and cards, listed [here|#hardware]
# Step 2: Installation
#* [Installation|Galicaster:1.3.0 Software installation]
#** includes Deb installation, Source code installation, pre-requisits, requirements and dependencies
** [Galicaster:Release Archive]
#* *Drivers PENDING PAGE*
# Step3: Configuration
#* [Basic configuration|Galicaster:Galicaster configuration 1.3.0]
#* [Basic configuration|Galicaster configuration]
#** includes Opencast Matterhorn Configuration
#* [Galicaster:Plugins]
*** [Mobile|Galicaster:Galicaster Mobile]
*** [AG|Galicaster:Galicaster, Matterhorn Recorder for AccessGrid]
*** [Polimedia|Galicaster:Galicaster based Polimedia Mini-Studio]
*** [Polimedia|Galicaster based Polimedia MOOC-Studio]
** [Teltek|Galicaster:Galicaster units by TELTEK - Overview]
*** [RACK|Galicaster:Galicaster RACK (GaliRACK)]
h3. Hardware {anchor:hardware}
* [Galicaster:1.3.0 Hardware recommendations]
* [Hardware table|Compatible hardware table]
* Video devices
** [Logitech c920 and BCC950|Galicaster:Logitech webcams]