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1.1 Download Galicaster

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You are about to download a Galicaster Software release. This software aimed to help you building Galicaster devices. With Galicaster you can record dual-stream videos in an easy way.

* First of all, you need to [choose a proper computer and capturing hardware|1.1 Hardware recommendations]
* The [Cookbook|1.1 Cookbook] contains several recipes to correctly configure your hardware and set up your environment.
* Once the hardware is installed, follow the [Software Installation guide|1.1 Software installation].
* If you already have a Galicaster running, please check the [upgrading|Upgrading from older versions] documentation.
* When everything is in place, please take a look to our [User Guide|1.1 User Guide] in order to get started.
* If something goes wrong, the [FAQ section|1.1 FAQ] may help you.
* Compatible with both Opencast Matterhorn 1.2 and 1.3

The documentation will improved progressively, so do not hesitate to make suggestions.

Feel free to ask your doubts and make suggestions about Galicaster (and its documentation) to [mailto:galicaster@teltek.es].



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{pop-slide}Fry\! Stay back\! He's too powerful\! I could if you hadn't turned on the light and shut off my stereo. It must be wonderful. This opera's as lousy as it is brilliant\! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry\!
{pop-slide}{pop-slide}Fry\! Stay back\! He's too powerful\! I could if you hadn't turned on the light and shut off my stereo. It must be wonderful. This opera's as lousy as it is rilliant\! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry\!
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h5. *What is Galicaster Class?*

Galicaster Class is an open source, multistream recording application, specially designed for lecture recording. It provides real-time feedback of the media being recorded on a simple, easy-to-use, tactile interface.
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[Hardware recommendations|1.1 Hardware recommendations]\\ \\
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{td}{align:center}[!install_r.png|border=0,width=200!|1.1 Software installation]\\
[Software installation|1.1 Software installation] {align}{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}{align:center}[!cookbook_r.jpg|border=0,width=200!|1.1 Cookbook]\\
[Cookbook|1.1 Cookbook]\\ \\
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{td}{align:center}[!faq_r.jpg|border=0,width=200!|1.1 FAQ]\\
[FAQ|1.1 FAQ]\\ \\
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h5. *Who is GClass aimed to?*

Galicaster Class is aimed to educational institutions which want to record lectures and other educational contents on a daily basis. GClass saves them time and resources by making the recording process simple and efficient. By keeping professors informed and in control, the need for subsequent reviews and editions reduces to a minimum.{column}\\ {column:width=2%}{column}
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h5. *As a professor, how do I operate GClass?*
h5. [Download Galicaster v1.1|http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/galicaster-1.1.1.tgz]

Professors only need to worry about the screen, where they will get a continous visual feedback of what is being recorded. Besides, a pop-up window will show up if the audio is too low, in case the microphone is mistakenly muted or it ran out of batteries.

The audio may also be turned off and on at will, so the professor can choose not to get some parts of their speech recorded if they desire to.
{center} By downloading, you agree to the [non-commercial license|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/]. (Commercial licenses also available under request)

Some basic actions - start, pause and stop - are also available, allowing a finer control on the recording. This way, the professor can prevent undesired fragments like lecture breaks, exercise resolutions, etc., from being recorded.

h5. What does Galicaster Class look like?

Check out the side video for a quick tour through some of Galicaster basic features.
Also [avaliable in Spanish|Galicaster:Galicaster Class screencast]{column}\\ {section}

h5. *How do I use GClass with Opencast Matterhorn?*
If you are looking for previous releases of Galicaster, take a look into the [Release Archive|Galicaster:Release Archive]

GClass can work as a basic Matterhorn capture agent. It can register as a capture agent on a Matterhorn core, thus being able to receive and process Matterhorn recording schedules, and ingest the resulting mediapackages afterwards.

The main improvement GClass brings up is its graphic interface, providing real-time feedback and manual control. It also allows an easy mechanism to ingest mediapackages that were recorded off-line, or retry the ingestion of a failed mediapackage.
h5. Documentation

h5. *Can I use Galicaster Class with other systems?*
* [Hardware recommendations|1.1 Hardware recommendations]
* [Software installation|1.1 Software installation]
* [Upgrading from older versions]
* [User's Guide|1.1 User Guide]
* [Cookbook|1.1 Cookbook]
* [FAQ|1.1 FAQ]

Yes, Galicaster Class can be adapted to any media management or publishing systems.

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{tip:title=Galicaster Support}
If you have any doubts or comments, consider subscribing to the galicaster community mailing-list:
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*[Galicaster Community|Community]* *@*
