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Galicaster 1.3.1 released

Version 1 by Vicente Goyanes
on ene 21, 2014 09:44.

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Dear Galicasters

I'm happy to (finally) announce the release of Galicaster 1.3.1 

Dear GalicastersI'm happy to (finally) announce the release of Galicaster 1.3.1 I I would like to thank specially the Galicaster Community and Teltek's Galicaster team \[1\] for making it happen. 

*New Features:*
* Ingest to a Opencast Matterhorn cluster with multiple ingest servers.
** Fixed serious bug that crashed GC when using Datapath capture cards.

*Download:*This new version is available, as usual, at the *Galicaster{*}{*}_ _{*}website ([galicaster.org|http://galicaster.org/]) in two formats:
* Deb Package Format: \[[HERE\|../../../../../../../../../display/Galicaster/Download+Galicaster|]\] \[[HERE|Download+Galicaster]\]
* TAR.GZ Source: \[[HERE\|../../../../../../../../../display/Galicaster/Release+Archive|]\]The new version is also available at the Galicaster project Github repository \[[HERE|https://github.com/teltek/Galicaster/tree/1.3.1]\] under the 1.3.1 tagKind RegardsVicente.
* TAR.GZ Source: \[[HERE|Release+Archive]\]

\-\-{color:#000000}Vicente {color}{color:#000000}Goyanes{color}{color:#000000}TELTEK{color}{color:#000000} Video Research{color}{color:#000000} (CEO){color}[www.teltek.es|http://www.teltek.es/]
The new version is also available at the Galicaster project Github repository \[[HERE|https://github.com/teltek/Galicaster/tree/1.3.1]\] under the 1.3.1 tag

Kind Regards

{color:#000000}Vicente {color}{color:#000000}Goyanes{color}
{color:#000000}TELTEK{color}{color:#000000} Video Research{color}{color:#000000} (CEO){color}