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Galicaster Totem

Version 2 by developer
on ago 21, 2013 16:28.

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Version 3 by developer
on ago 21, 2013 16:42.

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h4. What is Galicaster CUBE2 ? TOTEM

Galicaster CUBE2 is a mobile multistream recording station designed for mobile operations.
Galicaster TOTEM is semi-mobile all-in-one recording unit ideal for a room with multiple uses, temporal installations or facilities with mobile elements.

At first glance, CUBE2 has a *15" tactile widescreen integrated* in the case which provides mobility and a quick set up. A wireless keyboard and touchpad may be included with the unit, and the screen is powered through the computer, thus symplifing wiring and installation, *reducing the space and time needed for setting up the recording station*.
Galicaster TOTEM is build with a standard 14U rack and a tactile widescreen installed on a pole to be viewed or controlled from an standing position. The rack leaves space not only for the computer but also for auxiliary hardware such us audio mixer and processor, Video scalers and splitters, wireless stations for peripherals ... Thus converting a Galicaseter TOTEM on a mobile mini-studio, all in one element.

From a hardware point of view, it is a powerful unit based on Intel's Core i7, with a extremely silent box and power supply and a computer based on heavy duty components.
h4. Galicaster TOTEM use cases

Galicaster TOTEM is typically used in scenarios such us:
- *Seminars in small rooms*. The speaker could place the unit in a handy place for controling of his/her choice without interfering on the lecture or placed in the audience for a attendant or operato to control it.
- *Mobile capture unit in adyacent classrooms*. Instead of placing an unit on every classroom or moving lectures to a specific room, the unit is moved on demand to facilities with minimun adaptation for recording purposes.
- *Medical teaching*. A mobile unit such us Galicaster TOTEM is specially useful on medical teaching, since it can be placed as a synchornous multicamera recorder and visualizer at the same time.

h4. Main features

Teltek's units are configured to activate a secure network channel to provide immediate remote support.

h4. CUBE2 use cases
h4. Galicaster TOTEM models

Galicaster CUBE2 is commonly used on mobile operations. Having the computer and the screen integrated allows you to move the unit to the right location, prepare the wiring easily and be ready to test and record in a few minutes.

Together with a OnWheels kit *LINK*, you can transport your unit and the auxiliary hardware ( camera, tripod, wiring, audio mixer ...) in and protected wheeled case, safe from damage and all in one bundle.

However, if needed, Galicaster CUBE2 can assume the role of a fix recording station on a classroom, a MOOC studio or a conference hall.

h4. Galicaster CUBE2 models

Galicaster units can capture multiple video formats and combine different audivisual sources, even several combinations on the same unit. For simplicity we include the usual camera+slides capture combinations, including: