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1.2.0 Download Galicaster

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Version 47 by developer
on jun 26, 2013 13:34.

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h4. +Step 2+: Install the Galicaster package

Once the hardware is installed, follow the *[Software Installation guide|1.2.0 Software installation]* and [*install the drivers*|Galicaster:Capture cards configuration].

{info}{_}If you already have a Galicaster running, please check the_ _[upgrading|Upgrading from older versions]_ _documentation._{info}
{td}{align:center}[\!install_r.png\|\!install_r.png|border=0,width=200!Software installation]\\
[Software installation|1.2.0 Software installation] {align}{td}{tr}
[Cookbook|Cookbook]\\ \\

# [Hardware recommendations|Hardware recommendations]
# [Software installation|1.2.0 Software installation]
#* [Galicaster:Capture cards configuration]
#* [Upgrading from older versions]