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Galicaster Code Contributions


This page describes how to contribute to Galicaster Code. All Galicaster development and bugfixing is done on Galicaster public Git repository. Please follow the recommendations below and, if possible, nice-to-have tips. 

Thank you so much for your Contributions !!
  1. All contributions must be forked from the "master" branch.
  2. Frequently pull changes made at the master branch, to keep your feature forked branch in synch. Features or bug fixes that don't merge cleanly will be rejected.
  3. Send us a pull request when your feature or bug fix is ready. Please do not group several bug fixes or features in the same request (where possible)
  4. Use descriptive commit messages and include a reference to the relevant issue, if any (e.g. "Fixed so-and-so bug, issue #15").
  1. Add unit tests to the features developed.
  2. Check your code quality before sending the pull request. You may use tools such as pep8 or pychecker.

We are using Git this way:

Inspired on Vicent Driessen Git branching model

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