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1.1 Software installation

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Current by Ruben González
on oct 05, 2012 16:46.

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* Your equipment meets Galicaster's [Hardware Recommendations|1.1 Hardware recommendations].
* You are running a Linux-based OS. The recommended distribution is [Ubuntu 10.10|http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/10.10/release/] .
* Your capture devices are configured as indicated in the [Cookbook|Galicaster:Cookbook]. [Cookbook|1.1 Cookbook].

The installation process consists of six steps: [installing dependencies|#dependences], [checking the configuration|#check], [downloading software|#download], [configuring Galicaster|#config], [checking the connection to a Matterhorn core|#matterhorn] and [testing it|#running].
* Gstreamer
* python-setuptools and pip
* iCalendar {color:#ff0000}(<=2.2){color}
* pyCurl
* Capture card configuration tools

The simplest way to get started with Galicaster is dowloading any of the pre-existing files for any of the reference configurations proposed: *leaving {{conf-dist.in}} *unchanged *leaving* {{{*}conf-dist.in{*}}} *\*unchanged as a reference, and make any modification you need on* {{conf.ini}}\*:

* Operation mode&nbsp;[Galicaster Class|Galicaster:Galicaster Class]:
** [WebCam USB configuraion|1.1 Hardware recommendations#webcamusb] \- [conf.ini|http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/configs/webcam_mobile/conf.ini]

In the Section [1.1 Galicaster Configuration] you will find a description of all section of {{conf.ini}} file.


The [1.1 User Guide] section contains Galicaster's user manual. Should you have any questions, please visit the [F.A.Q.|Galicaster:FAQ] [F.A.Q.|1.1 FAQ] section where some common questions are already answered.