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h5. Documentation
# [User's Guide|User Guide]
#* [FAQ|FAQ]
#* [FAQ|FAQ]
* [Quick installation guide|Quick installation guide]
* [Cookbook|Cookbook]\\
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h5. Sections
The files are divided in sections. The beginning of a section is marked by a keyword indicating its title, surrounded by square brackets. Below is a detailed description of the different sections and their contents:
h6. Section {{basic}}
* {{repository}}: absolute path to the working folder. If not specified, a {{Repository}} directory in the user's home will be used.
* {{export}}: absolute path to the export folder for operations. If not specified, exported files will be placed at the user's home folder.
* {{export}}: absolute path to the export folder for operations. If not specified, exported files will be placed at the user's home folder.
* {{legacy}}: activates Openacast Matterhonr 1.2 and 1.3 compatibility, excluding the namespace field on the xml files from the mediapackages. (True\|False)
* {{stopdialog}}: Enable/Disable a dialog requesting confirmation to stop the recording. Defaults to True. *(True\|False)*
* {{quit}}: Shows or hides the quit button. *(True\|False)*
h6. Section {{screen}}
h6. Section {{ingest}}
* {{active}}: Enables the connection to a Opencast-Matterhorn server *(True\|False)*.
* {{manua}}l: {{manual}}: Configure the method to automatically ingest the manual recordings. The possible options are: disable the automatic ingestion (none), ingest immediately after the recording (immediately) or ingest nightly all the recordings of the previous day (nightly). Defaults to 'none'. *(none\|immediately\|nightly)*
* {{scheduled}}: Configure the method to automatically ingest the scheduled recordings. The possible options are: disable the automatic ingestion (none), ingest immediately after the recording (immediately) or ingest nightly all the recordings of the previous day (nightly). Defaults to 'none'. *(none\|immediately\|nightly)*
* {{host}}: Matterhorn server URL.
* {{username: Name of the Galicaster unit. Defaults to the host name as defined in the OS, prepended by "GC-" if it is a Galicaster Class or "GCMobile-" if it is a Galicaster Mobile.
* {{username: Name of the Galicaster unit. Defaults to the host name as defined in the OS, prepended by "GC-" if it is a Galicaster Class or "GCMobile-" if it is a Galicaster Mobile.
h6. Section {{allows}}
h6. Section {{trackN}}
For more information [http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html|http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html]
** {{locpreaudio}}: Device's mount point of the PCM output
** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** {{vumeter}}: Whether the audio input would be represented on the vumeter. (True|False) (True\|False)
** {{player}}: Whether the audio input would be played on preview. (True|False) (True\|False)
** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
** name: Name assigned to the device.
** device: Device type: blackmagic
** device: Device type: blackmagic
** flavor: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
** location: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
** file: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** file: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** format: Input signal format. (dv\|hdv,iidc)
** vumeter: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. (True\|False) Only one device should be activated.
** player: Whether the audio input would be played on preview. (True|False) (True\|False)
** name: Name assigned to the device.
** device: Device type: videotest
** device: Device type: videotest
** flavor: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
** location: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
** file: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** file: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** active: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
** caps: GStreamer capabilities of the device.
** pattern: type of pattern to show. Run gst-inspect-0.10 videotestsrc fore more information. (0-20)
** pattern: type of pattern to show. Run gst-inspect-0.10 videotestsrc fore more information. (0-20)
* Pattern options
(0): smpte - SMPTE 100% color bars
(1): snow - Random (television snow)
(2): black - 100% Black
(3): white - 100% White
(4): red - Red
(5): green - Green
(6): blue - Blue
(7): checkers-1 - Checkers 1px
(8): checkers-2 - Checkers 2px
(9): checkers-4 - Checkers 4px
(10): checkers-8 - Checkers 8px
(11): circular - Circular
(8): checkers-2 - Checkers 2px
(9): checkers-4 - Checkers 4px
(10): checkers-8 - Checkers 8px
(11): circular - Circular
(7): checkers-1 - Checkers 1px
(8): checkers-2 - Checkers 2px
(9): checkers-4 - Checkers 4px
(10): checkers-8 - Checkers 8px
(11): circular - Circular
(8): checkers-2 - Checkers 2px
(9): checkers-4 - Checkers 4px
(10): checkers-8 - Checkers 8px
(11): circular - Circular
(12): blink - Blink
(13): smpte75 - SMPTE 75% color bars
(14): zone-plate - Zone plate
(14): zone-plate - Zone plate
(15): gamut - Gamut checkers
(16): chroma-zone-plate - Chroma zone plate
(17): solid-color - Solid color
(17): solid-color - Solid color
(16): chroma-zone-plate - Chroma zone plate
(17): solid-color - Solid color
(17): solid-color - Solid color
(18): ball - Moving ball
(19): smpte100 - SMPTE 100% color bars
(20): bar - Bar
** name: Name assigned to the device.
** device: Device type: pulse
** device: Device type: pulse
** flavor: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
** location: PulseAudio source name. Use default to select the same Input as the Sound Control. To list PulseAudio devices run:
pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5` and use "Name:" as the location field.
pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5` and use "Name:" as the location field.
** frequency: Test signal central frequency. (0-20000)
** volume: Percent volume of the pattern. (0-1)
** volume: Percent volume of the pattern. (0-1)
** active: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
** vumeter: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. (True\|False) Only one device should be activated.
** amplification: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used. (0-10)
** player: Whether the audio input would be played on preview. (True|False) (True\|False)
* Wave options
(0): sine - Sine
(1): square - Square
(1): square - Square
(2): saw - Saw
(3): triangle - Triangle
(4): silence - Silence
(5): white-noise - White uniform noise
(6): pink-noise - Pink noise
(7): sine-table - Sine table
(4): silence - Silence
(5): white-noise - White uniform noise
(6): pink-noise - Pink noise
(7): sine-table - Sine table
(3): triangle - Triangle
(4): silence - Silence
(5): white-noise - White uniform noise
(6): pink-noise - Pink noise
(7): sine-table - Sine table
(4): silence - Silence
(5): white-noise - White uniform noise
(6): pink-noise - Pink noise
(7): sine-table - Sine table
(8): ticks - Periodic Ticks
(9): gaussian-noise - White Gaussian noise
(10): red-noise - Red (brownian) noise
(11): blue-noise - Blue noise
(12): violet-noise - Violet noise
(10): red-noise - Red (brownian) noise
(11): blue-noise - Blue noise
(12): violet-noise - Violet noise
(9): gaussian-noise - White Gaussian noise
(10): red-noise - Red (brownian) noise
(11): blue-noise - Blue noise
(12): violet-noise - Violet noise
(10): red-noise - Red (brownian) noise
(11): blue-noise - Blue noise
(12): violet-noise - Violet noise